gm Life Examiners,
I’ve been grappling with this quiet, irrational voice that whispers in the background of my consciousness, projecting judgment even when I’m simply exploring in the creative playground of my journal.
I’ve tried to reason with this voice, reiterating how illogical it’s being and that I should feel complete, unbridled freedom when I’m creating for me and only me. Yet still it persists.
To prove my point, I’m going to show it that not only is there no judgment when I‘m alone in my journal but there’s no judgment when I post these private thoughts in public (or at least negative consequences from it).
To get over the hesitance to be naked in my own shower, I’ll just get naked in public.
Here are the unedited pages from Jack’s journal that weren’t meant for anyone’s eyes (eek scary!)
Weekly Wonderings and Wisdom
Writing is therapy, it’s art, it’s meditation.
It brings me closer to Source.
It’s a practice in fending off self-judgment; the persistent marauder of inner peace, seeking to inhibit expression, clinging to the safety and comfort of the familiar known.
Its intentions are pure, aiming to protect the fragile ego. But at what cost?
The repression of Self is an insidious fate; destining one to a life unfulfilled.
Constrained. Disconnected. Potential unreached.
And to know what lies on the other side - to revel in the bliss of unencumbered freedom. To play, to leap, to dance around these pages in the open fields of imaginative creation.
Nothing to hold me back. No masters imposing their will, commanding rules from on high, creating boundaries meant to confine this explorative dance.
Oh what a joy, to exercise pure unadulterated me-ness unto these pages. It matters not who reads this, what it sounds like, if it’s good, thoughtful, funny, or makes damn near an ounce of sense.
This is my playground. To do as I please.
So just keep writing man.
Thought of the Day
It turns out you can be intentional about being better at conversations
Many conversations can be nudged in the direction of openness, spontaneous complexity, and shared emotionality. And a surprising number of conversations, thus encouraged, can become quite connective. These are the conversations where you’re likely to find yourself laughing, rambling excitedly, engaging in extended weird riffs, crystallizing old knowledge in new patterns, feeling comprehended, feeling loved, and, generally, having the sensation that you’ve temporarily stepped outside the walls around your being